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Why should your 2CV motor have more power?
Nearly every 2CV-driver knows the feeling whilst driving
up a little hill or a small mountain the 2CV moves slower and slower, so you know that
this little car has to work hard to reach the summit, and behind you there is an impatient
car driver, so close to your rear end that if you look into your rear-view mirror you can
easily see the white in his/her eyes. At each hill you have to change down into the third
or even the second gear, and it is even worse if there are more people in the car than
just you. My tuning parts are thought to be of some help in such situation, but they do
not make a racing car out of your 2CV.
Possibilities to get more power:
The cheapest way: Optimize existing technology. In plain language:
- Optimize the ignition timing
cost: None, if you have a timing tester.
required time: Approximately. 30 - 60 minutes.
increase in power: 0 - 3hp, up to 5 km/h. It depends on how well the
ignition was originally adjusted.
disadvantage: If you make a mess out of it you can ruin your motor. Your engine needs at least 95 octane petrol.
advantage: Less gasoline consumption, but this, of course, is only
minimal. This means about half a liter less on 100 km.
- Optimize the carburetor jets
cost: 17.- EUR for new jets.
required time: Approximately 15 minutes.
increase in power: More
power in the lower revs but no higher max. speed.
disadvantage: gasoline consumption increases slightly, according to your
way of driving, between 0,2 - 0,8 Liter / 100km.
the next step:
- Extension of the motor
cubic capacity to 652 cc :
This is the first big step. However, after this little modification
your 2CV will run almost like a real car.
cost: 299.- EUR + shipping
increase in power: Much more power in all situations.
Approx.. 34 hp (38 hp SAE)
Additionally to the big bore kit I recommend the altered oil filter mounting with a larger
oil-filter for a better
engine cooling. In exchange for an old filter mounting for only 39.- EUR + shipping incl. a larger
filter and a transistorized ignition-system for
perfect timing.